Welcome to the Eco2rybefrica Pitch Podium!
The Eco2rybefrica Pitch Podium runs a youth-specific (Bank On Green Africa) and gender-specific campaign (GreenWIFEGreen Africa), which hosts two platforms for youth-led (Greennov8 4 Africa) and women-led (Shennov8 2 Green Africa) eco-innovation solutions. Both platforms are open to individuals across African communities aged 18-39.
Bank On Green Africa
Green2rybePitch is the first pan African Eco-nnovations marketplace that connects Green impact entrepreneurs to access and activate eco-city solutions for smart energy efficient and carbon neutral economies.
The Bank on Green Africa program connects over 100m EcoCitizens enterprenuers across 54 Nations to innovate for global green growth in Africa.
Green2rybePitch runs a Sustainable finance strategy that guarantees a stable, predictable and Innovative Greenpreneurship Funding Marketplace of over $5Bn annually through the deployment of ‘Pitch2Green Africa’ Tokens that guarantee Ecoeducation, Eco-nnovations, Eco-pledge, Eco-finance and Ecocitizen Marshalls jobs for over 25 million youths in Africa.
GreenWIFEGreen Africa
GreenWIFEGreen Africa is the first ‘SHEnnovate 2 Green Africa’ Money Marketplace for climate smart E-ducation, Ennovation, E-nterprenuership to accelerate Green Economy investments across communities in Africa.
SHEnnov82Green Africa is a “greenprenuership for gender equality” platform that connects over 100 million women in social enterprise to create solutions for Circular Economy development. The GreenWife Fund activates over 54,000 ‘Gender Equality for Green Growth Investment’ (GEGGI) Hubs across 54 Countries to deploy over 1 Billion smart “GEGGI” Eco-pledge Tokens as a Sustainable Finance Strategy to guarantee over 2.5m ‘GreenWife’ Social Innovation Grants for the Next 50m Green Jobs in Africa for the AU Green Recovery Action Plan (2021-27).
Priority Solution Areas
Cooking is an essential part of life, asides from cultural and traditional values; it meets the basic survival needs. Currently, around 4 billion…
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The goal of sustainable agriculture is to meet the needs of present and future generations for its products and services, while ensuring…
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Ecolabels are marks placed on product packaging or in e-catalogs that can help consumers and institutional purchasers quickly…
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Climate justice means having a people-centered approach to climate action. This entails ensuring representation, inclusion, and…
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Access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene is the most basic human need for health and well-being.
Demand for water is rising owing to…
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Our society places great value on mobility. Well developed infrastructure and flexible, reliable systems of transport are…
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Ensuring access to clean and affordable energy, is key to the development of agriculture, business, communications, education, healthcare…
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Healthy oceans and marine ecosystem services underpin the ocean economy, and provide critical support functions upon which…
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Lubricating oil is an important resource and a petroleum base product. Mismanagement of waste lube oil is a serious environmental…
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Ecotourism provides many opportunities for growth and business development as well as challenges in order to achieve the…
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Environmental noise has traditionally been dismissed as an inevitable fact of life and has not been targeted and controlled to the same extent as…
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The widespread consumption of electronic devices has made spent batteries an ongoing economic and ecological concern. E-waste…
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Development is considered to be sustainable if it improves the quality of human life without exceeding the carrying capacity of supporting…
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Considering the growing gap between the demand and supply for electric power, improving energy efficiency on both the demand and…
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Recycling is one of the eco-friendly methods of solid waste management for a sustainable society. Current disposal methods threaten our…
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Good air quality is a fundamental aspect of the quality of life and is an essential component of sustainable development economy…
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